God cares about His Creation and has partnered with humans to care for it. People who are walking in submission to the Lord for holistic freedom, have the opportunity to partner with Him to see communities redeemed.
The Citizen is committed to empowering people. Our property was purchased with the understanding that it has a significant environmental issue. We have a solution to fix the problem, and we believe it is a way to partner with God in His work of restoration. By doing so, we get to bless our local community.

The property was previously a dry-cleaning establishment. Chemicals have leaked into the soil and are now polluting the site. There is a chance that these chemicals could be released in the future and begin affecting the properties around us.
The Citizen purchased the property knowing the risks because we believe that something needs to be done. The problem has been looming for several decades, and the potential liability is significant. We believe that it is an opportunity to empower our community and to demonstrate Jesus’ kingdom on the earth.

As part of our effort, we are seeking to partner with an environmental group to remediate the issue. The commission has a program that specifically targets former dry-cleaner sites. They have agreed to allow us into their program. The Lord’s heart is to see communities redeemed and we believe that this agreement is just the beginning.
The project will require us to pay fees and penalties amounting to $45,000. These fees have been accrued since the program’s inception in 2008. Once these have been paid, the commission will begin the process of remediating the site. We would like to invite you to be part of this redemption story.